Art From Long Ago: Stone Age

These are some of the elements of art we have worked on:
Paleolithic men and women wore animal skins which they had hunted
previously and they used tools such as an ax and spears made out of
stones, wood and bones which they themselves carved.
Colour: Observe the use of colour.
Line: Identify and use different lines: straight, zigzag, curved, wavy, spiral, thick, thin.
Observe how different lines are used; tracing and outlining.
Shape: Recognize basic geometric shapes – square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval – in nature, man-made objects, and artwork.
Texture: Describe qualities of texture (as, for example, rough, smooth, bumpy, scratchy, slippery, etc.)
Students understand that everyone has their own opinion about what they think is "good" art.
People were nomads, they didn't live in one place, no, they were
constantly on the move in search of animals to hunt.
As they were
hunters and gatherers, they needed to follow the animals in order to
capture them and at the same time they collected wild fruits found on
the way.
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water....
They lived in tribes, in small groups formed by families, and they found refuge in caves where they would paint on the wall. These paintings were done with a mixture of charcoal, earth, animal fat and water....
Look here are a few examples…, its absolutely fascinating
to think that these first paintings, these first artistic
representations, were drawn thousands of years ago. Don't you think?
With the passing of centuries, these first human beings became more and
more intelligent and they began to domesticate animals such as dogs,
goats, sheep and pigs; they also began to cultivate plants which was
then eaten. This is the arrival of agriculture and
farming, when everything changed....But we will talk about this in the future, until then let´s enjoy the Stone Age!!